Terrorism surcharge on WC premium - PA
Has anyone else encountered this? We just got our WC bill and noticed a new line item called "Terrorism" and it's 5% of our covered amount. It's a pretty significant amount. We called the carrier and our account rep was only able to tell us that it is a Federal law, but it doesn't make it required in any of hte states. Instead, each state can make their own determination but he didn't know if PA was a state that was requiring it. So we're doing our own research to learn more but I don't remember reading anything about this before now.
I guess the thing I find odd is that our WC representative wasn't too well-versed in this topic. And, that in all the legal alerts and HR sites I visit, as well as all the Benefit e-zines I receive, I don't remember seeing anything about this new WC "terrorism" surcharge.
Here is a link to the actual act:
You can cut and paste it into your address bar on your browser.