Accident Not Reported

One of our employees notified us that they slipped and fell on some stairs two weeks ago on site and never reported it since he did not seem to be hurt at the time. Now he is complaining that he has to seek medical attention and to count it as a workers compensation claim. We have a policy that the accident / injury should be reported immediately, not to mention our drug testing policy following an accident.
What are our options? Can we refuse to count it as a workers comp injury since so much time has passed before since the accident and a report of injury or incident was never filed. We have not had a problem with this employee and he is currently NOT under any type of displinary actions or probation for his work.
Any comments are suggestions would be appreciated.
What are our options? Can we refuse to count it as a workers comp injury since so much time has passed before since the accident and a report of injury or incident was never filed. We have not had a problem with this employee and he is currently NOT under any type of displinary actions or probation for his work.
Any comments are suggestions would be appreciated.
Separately, what exactly does the company state about the reporting of on the job accidents? Has the issue arisen in the past and if so, what was done? Is the failure to report an accident subject to disciplinary action? I know these are a lot of questions, but you have two separate issues here.
Our disciplinary policy reads that unsatisifactory job performance or failure to follow required policy and procedures is a reason for discipline, however it does not specifically state late reporting of an accident or injury. I am inclined to discipline and consistently handle it this way in the future.
What do you suggest? Thanks.
As far as discipline, I believe you said that it states something along the lines of reporting in a timely manner or something along those lines. Might want to revise and identify what a timely manner is.
Since this has never happened before, therefore there is no past similar situations, I would councel the employee on the need to report injuries within a certain period of time. I would not treat it as a discipline procedure, but just to councel. Basically let them know that worker safety is a top concern of the company. Hopefully, that should take care of the situation.
My company unfortunately has ran into similar situations, and as of right now our policy is a little vague when it comes to identifying what a timely manner is, we are currently in the process of revising.
Hope that helps. just my 2 cents
Realistically, there's not much I can do if they don't follow the procedure, other than verbally counsel them. But the average expense of an incident when I'm notified immediately is less than one-third that of claims in which I am not notified.
If the accident was not reported according to your policy, a write-up or verbal warning is in order - this sets a good tone for your safety concerns and believe it or not, carries some weight with you wc carrier when it comes to policy writing decisions.
Once you are aware, you must file the claim(s. Let them sort it out after that.