Employee Heart Attack

We have an employee that had his second heart attack (not work related) in March 2002. The employee was put on temporary lay off as work was slow so that he could collect unemployment. (We explained that if he was unable to return when we got busier we would have to terminate him.) We are soon anticipating a call back and this employee has still not been released by a doctor to return to work.
We are a Small Manufacturing Facility (under 50 employees) and my question is this. We are seriously concerned that this employee’s health and welfare could be affected by conditions and environment if returning to work. Can we without exposing the company to legal implications or lawsuit under EEOC or ADA inquire of a physician (with employees consent?) on how some job specific conditions may adversely affect employees health to determine if we can reasonably accommodate employees return to work. (i.e.)
Heavy work lifting 75+ Pounds and carrying 15 Feet.
Standing for 8 hour period
Use of power tools including but not limited to (power saws, sanders, Mig welders using Carbon Dioxide, helium and argon gas mix.)
Environments involving dust, paint fumes, fluorocarbons, fine particulate matter etc.
Bending, Stooping, vibration, twisting.
Driving, (Delivering Frames and Doors Heavy Lifting Involved.)
Limitations on Hours worked (Please specify) ____ Hours per Day _____ Per Week
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
We are a Small Manufacturing Facility (under 50 employees) and my question is this. We are seriously concerned that this employee’s health and welfare could be affected by conditions and environment if returning to work. Can we without exposing the company to legal implications or lawsuit under EEOC or ADA inquire of a physician (with employees consent?) on how some job specific conditions may adversely affect employees health to determine if we can reasonably accommodate employees return to work. (i.e.)
Heavy work lifting 75+ Pounds and carrying 15 Feet.
Standing for 8 hour period
Use of power tools including but not limited to (power saws, sanders, Mig welders using Carbon Dioxide, helium and argon gas mix.)
Environments involving dust, paint fumes, fluorocarbons, fine particulate matter etc.
Bending, Stooping, vibration, twisting.
Driving, (Delivering Frames and Doors Heavy Lifting Involved.)
Limitations on Hours worked (Please specify) ____ Hours per Day _____ Per Week
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Good Luck!!