sleep disorder and excessive tardiness

We have an employee that was schedule to work 7:00am to 7:00pm Fri-Sat-Sun. The ee has been anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours consistently late for work, at least one or more times a week. He states that he has a sleep disorder and just can't get up and get here. He saw a physician aprox 10 months ago and brought a note that he had been tested for sleep apnea, which was negative, however, there was a possibilty that he may possess symptoms of narcolepsy. The doctor was adjusting his medication. No other information has been received. He has been counciled on several occasions regarding his tardiness. We recently changed his schedule to the 2nd shift 5:00pm to 3:00. After only being on the new shift for a few days, the employee shows up late again, this time he his given a final written warning regarding his tardiness; the employee responds by stating that the plant manager, supervisor, including HR knew of his sleep condition and that he is seeing 7 doctors for this disorder. Again, the only documentation that has been provided to us was as stated above 10 months ago. We do not believe this is a disabilty under EEOC regs and we certainly don't believe that allowing him to come to work when he gets up is a resonable accomodation in any way.
Any ideas or new perspectives?
Any ideas or new perspectives?