
I'm trying to conduct an informal survey to see where safety is housed in most companies. Right now my organization has it in HR, however it used to be with our Corporate Support (which is comprised of our Support Services, Facilites, Warehouse, etc.) We also have a Quality Systems/Regulatory Affairs Department, which seems like a logical fit as they are responsible for keeping us in compliance with other agencies (ie FDA, EPA, ISO9000, etc).
Where is safety in your organizations?
Where is safety in your organizations?
I have been in safety now since 1990. I have been in HR (where I currently am, under production, under asset protection (loss prevention), and here and their. The main issue is how the company values safety, and the importance it is given. This is what can eliminate or cause most of the grief, if upper management gives only lip service to safety, then you have no authority.....
My $0.02.
Sorry, I just needed to throw in my 2 cents.