Worker's Comp Dispute

We have an employee who had a back injury in 2002. His doctor recommended an MRI, and based on the MRI findings, he asked for a discogram. The insurance carrier that is handling the case (not our current carrier) has continued to refute the need for discography. The carrier has referred the employee to two doctors it works with in this area. The first one didn't have a copy of the MRI (and didn't want to see it), and the second one looked at the MRI, said he saw something a little out of whack, and recommended back stretches and anacin. Neither of them would discuss the problem described in the MRI (some kind of a tear and disc leakage). In the meantime, the employee is on restricted duty and has constant pain in his back and on down into his leg. The individual handling his case at the insurance company told him he was just getting old and a discogram probably wouldn't prove anything. Do any of you have a suggestion for getting the insurance carrier to listen to reason and allow the employee to get the exam he needs without going through the dispute resolution process? The insurance carrier has given an impairment rating and considers the case closed. We're in Texas.
At this point, your opinion will not matter to the carrier because they have no ongoing relationship with your company. And you do not want to get in the business of managing these things.