WC if there was no accident?

Since I am still new at this I need some advice. We have an employee who has been here for 2 years. One of her job duties is to restock the coolers which means she must lift cases of water and soft drinks on a daily basis. For the past 6 months she has been going to the chiropractor because her arm (elbow area)continues to pop out of the socket. It has now developed into a constant problem and she is now experiencing pain and a lot of discomfort. She now wants to see a doctor about this. Since there was no accual accident that happened, is this considered WC and should I offer her the paperwork?
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your help.
Work comp is not limited to accidents at work, but also for illnesses and injuries caused by work activity (or just being there). Think of all the cases of carpel tunnel syndrome or problems caused by asbestos. I am sure if I had time I could name many more types of worker's comp situations which were not caused by an "accident". Get your paperwork started.
Good luck!