Worker's Compensation and health benefits

Is it O.K./legal to terminate an employee's insurance coverage if they are off work due to an industrial injury? I was told we can terminate their coverage right away and offer them COBRA. Is this true?
I am in California.
I am in California.
ESBVNR (Erogonomics Should Be Voluntary Not Regulated)
Place them on FMLA, and once that has experied, notify with COBRA. You can't go wrong.
I am looking into ERISA further and think that is going to give me the back up I need to show my employer.
Thank you for your opinion.
But in order to do so, you must have a policy IN WRITING which describes the time period that you will continued coverage under the group health plan. This policy must also be made available to employees (i.e in Handbook, separate mailing, posted, etc.) If you have more than 50 employees, you cannot make the benefit coverage period less than the 12 weeks provided by FMLA. Work Comp absences can be considered FMLA absences.
We recommend that employers with 50+ employees establish a 12 week policy for Work Comp absences regardless of whether or not the employee has used any FMLA time. To try to juggle a written policy that discusses reducing the 12-weeks of benefit continuation for Work Comp by any time used for non-workcomp FMLA gets too confusing. You can certainly allow more time than 12 weeks.
If you have less than 50 employees, you are free to set any time period you desire - but I still advise such employers to give a reasonable time period.