Workers Compensation and Health Coverage Premiums

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-31-02 AT 12:57PM (CST)[/font][p]Are the any restrictions in making an employee financially responsible for their health coverage premiums while on Worker's Compensation? We are an employer who pays 100% of the premium for employees.
At what point do you or can you, offer Cobra for continuation coverage? Of course this would be a situation where Workers Compensation leave is not run concurrently with FMLA.
At what point do you or can you, offer Cobra for continuation coverage? Of course this would be a situation where Workers Compensation leave is not run concurrently with FMLA.
Margaret Morford
Good Luck!
Any ideas???
pete ingenhutt
Good Luck!!
You've probably already dealt with this situation, but I was just reading it today....I have battled with this issue myself and I never did find a specific answer in my own State Law book (Florida). Our policy is almost the same as yours, in as far as we pay just about 100% for health coverage (employee only pays $10.75 per month for family coverage - ppo plan), so we have always continued to pay for all benefits for an employee out on wc no matter how long they were out, and some were out for over a year and a half! Our parent company in WI does things differently however. The policy states that if an employee is out for longer than six months on wc ,(and/or just not on active duty), then cobra would start after that. Every bit of research I did on this topic for Florida suggested that we keep the employee on our benefits due to the potential of a retaliation claim, so that's what we do. Additionally, since we are self-insured this is not a bad situation because the employee is covered for the medical under workers comp anyway, so it's not like we are technically actually paying out a whole lot for their health coverage, and if it keeps them from seeking out "legal help", all the better for us in the long run!