EE avoiding drug screen

Company policy is to report any work related injury to your supervisor immediately which in turn will make necessary arrangements. Also, it is policy to drug test any person injured or that causes injury to another or damage to company property. However, one employee told his supervisor of overturning his foot while walking from one machine to another but refused any medical attention. The next day he called and said he had seen his personal physician and it was determined he had torn a ligament in his leg. The employee has been out of work for 4 days thus far. (too late for a drug screen,now.) We feel the employee may have tried to pull a "fast one". Any suggestions on how to handle this situation would be greatly appreciated.
If this occurs again, I would have the supervisor take him for medical help regardless, citing the last time that he said he didn't need any, but eventually did. You could also write him up for failure to accurately report an injury if this occurs again. I would not do it this time, as he will say he didn't realize he was hurt that badly. You'll need at least one more incident to cite a pattern. Those are the best suggestions I can offer. Hope they help.
Margaret Morford
WE have a very strict Drug Free Work Place policy that states, if medical treatment is received, period, you will be drug tested. Even though it may be several days after the fact and it will not affect the claim for workers' comp, the employee still falls under the DFWP policy.
Ours calls for immedicate termination. We do not provide rehab... therefore, if this happens and someone is trying to avoid the drug test they are still tested and possibly terminated.
It has worked well.
Good Luck!
We instituted this in the policy as a result of discussions with supervisors and Staff before we instituted our program and written policy that led us to believe that this may be used as possible loop hole by users to avoid the drug testing and closed it before it occurred.
Good Luck