FMLA and Job Abandonment

If an employer has notified an employee that they believe their absence to be covered under FLMA and requested certification to be returned by a certain date (over 15 days from the notice date) and the employee has not returned the paperwork (nor have they called with an update) can they terminate as job abandonment?
I thought I had my ducks in a row when it came to FMLA but I have never had a situation like this.
I thought I had my ducks in a row when it came to FMLA but I have never had a situation like this.
Linda Emser
Here's a letter: "Dear Junius: On August 16 you were sent a certified letter requesting additional information from your treating physician regarding your current absence from work. Our letter stated a deadline of September 1 for the receipt of that information by our Human Resouces Department. You have not responded to our request and we have no alternative but to assume you have no intention of replying and your employment will be terminated effective October 16, 2004.
Should you wish to discuss or contest this decision by the company, please call me immediately at (number).