Military FMLA Responsibilities

I was wondering if any of you know if the ARMY is required to follow the FMLA, parental bonding 12-week leave, just as us "civilian" employers? I feel so terrible for people who get deployed and their wives have children while they are away - and I understand they signed up for it and such, but it sucks no matter how you look at it. Does anyone know if soldiers are protected the same way we civilians are? ONe of my close friends is going to have this happen while he is in Cuba and I'm hoping to give him some advice if I find out he qualifies. Thanks!
The family needs to notify the American Red Cross, which then notifies the service person, who can then request leave. Whether or not the leave is granted rests with the commanding office, who must take into account the staffing needs of the unit and the service person's role at the time. In my family, my active duty brothers have been granted leave for the death of our mother and grandmother and the birth of my niece. Apparently some service personnel in Kuwait were able to fly home for their children's high school and college graduations, as well.
My brother only got two weeks to be home with his new baby and then had to go back to Kosavo for three months. Your friend and his wife might check with her doctor to see if it might be possible to schedule the birth by inducing labor--that way it would be possible for him to be there at the birth, instead of arriving a few days later.
The military does not pay for the plane tickets for emergency leave. The service person will have to pay for all transportation.