fmla for an ee's minor child

Hello Everyone,
I need anyone that can give me guidance on this issue. We have an employee who has a dependent child (under the age of 18) that is pregnant. Our ee wants to take FMLA for her daughter's childbirth and for 2 weeks after the delivery to help care for her daughter and the baby. Would that be covered?????
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
I need anyone that can give me guidance on this issue. We have an employee who has a dependent child (under the age of 18) that is pregnant. Our ee wants to take FMLA for her daughter's childbirth and for 2 weeks after the delivery to help care for her daughter and the baby. Would that be covered?????
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Once the pregnancy has been delivered, does she remain incapacitated by pregnancy? In most cases, doctors will certify up to four weeks of incapacity for a normal delivery, and up to six weeks for a c-section.
Granted, she's no longer incapacitated by the pregnancy per se, but the incapacity is the direct result of having been pregnant and going through the process of childbirth.
We have consistently allowed employees to take FMLA to attend to a minor daughter's pregnancy, childbirth, and subsequent incapacity.
Somebody (Don D?) want to shoot me down on this? I'm listening!
For a non-dependent child, if over 18 years old, only if the child in "incapable of self-care" - which isn't the same as "incapacitated". (I get into this debate frequently with new grandparents who want to take time off when their 20-something daughters have babies.)
One can easily be incapacitated (unable to work) but still capable of self care.
James Sokolowski
I admit I am getting confused.
The minor child issue question is very straightforward and has been covered. Is the incapacity of the adult child after giving birth, who is normally capable of caring for herself, now the issue?
Sorry it took me so long to respond.