FMLA and Pregnant Teen Dependent

I have a question on caring for a family member through the FMLA. I have an employee who has a teen daughter who is pregnant and due in January. She came in to me and asked if she could take time under the FML to spend to care for her daughter when the baby is born, as she has no one else.
Do you believe this would be covered? Or would there have to be a medical problem with the delivery? Would a dr's note saying she needs to be cared for by her mother after delivery be sufficent if there were no problems?
Do you believe this would be covered? Or would there have to be a medical problem with the delivery? Would a dr's note saying she needs to be cared for by her mother after delivery be sufficent if there were no problems?
That was my gut feeling too - that during the *actual incapacity* then it may be covered but didn't think that after the first couple of days it would. Thanks so much for your input! I appreciate it!
As Don correctly pointed out, the over 18 issue takes FMLA out of the picture unless the child is incapable of self-care due to mental or physical disability. The mother could have qualified for some FML related leave before her daughter turned 18, but not after. Anything after is your company policy going beyond FML requirements.