intermittent FMLA and health benefits

If a 40 hour employee has hours reduced to 30 hours due to a serious health condition (recommended by her physician) - is the full health premium still paid for the 12 weeks or can the premium be paid 75% by employer and 25% by employee (which is the policy for part-time employees)?
>hours due to a serious health condition
>(recommended by her physician) - is the full
>health premium still paid for the 12 weeks or
>can the premium be paid 75% by employer and 25%
>by employee (which is the policy for part-time
First of all, on intermittent leave you track by the hour, not the week. If your EE's condition is long term, you could be looking at 48 weeks (480 hrs. / 10 hrs. per week). Then you may not deny this EE any benefit that is provided to your other EEs because they are on FML. So if I am reading your post correctly, if the company is paying 100% of insurance prior to the EE being certified, then you must continue.