Family or Medical Leave Request Form

Does anyone have a copy of a FMLA Leave Request form? I have already downloaded the Employer Response and Certification of Health Care Provider forms from the DOL, but I am looking for a form for our employees to fill out when they are requesting leave. Thanks!


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It is my understanding that no such form exists from DOL. In fact, at a seminar I attended a year or so ago, I was told that employers should be careful about requiring employees to fill out such requests. Our organization has a form that was created internally and the employee uses it to request the full range of leave available to them, including FMLA but I have not required that it be used.
    Of course, I always acknowledge their verbal request by using the Employer Response form.

    If you want to devise your own form, just be sure you don't deny FMLA leave for not using the form.
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