Release of Medical Info

My husband's mother is in ill health and he may be faced with taking some time to go back home to help take care of her. In preparation for this possibility, he requested the proper forms from his company. In addition to the form for the physician's certification, another was an Authorization for Release of Medical Information. With all the privacy issues today, I was shocked to see this form. As I read through it, I was even more shocked. It stated that by signing the form, it would allow releasing this information to other parties. It also contained a statement that the release could be revoked at any time. Are there other companies out there that request a release of this information?
As far as family medical leave, I only need to know enough information to determine if it meets the criteria.
Since I handle FMLA for the company that employees me, I have always accepted the physician's certification and have never asked for any additional information. I too only need to know that the leave qualifies, not the details. I hear enough of those as it is!
If your husband is asking for FMLA, all he needs is the DOL form to give to the doctor to complete the section on "family members care".
I do hope your mother in law is comfortable and improves.
E Wart