
I have just found out that we have an employee with asthma (possibly) and may need intermittent leave. I have the DOL's paperwork "certification of health care provider". I am looking for some sort of letter to go with it. Would anyone have anything they want to share?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sara: Are you talking about a cover letter that you would send to the physician? What I've always done, and what I think most do, is instruct the employee that they have an obligation to get the form to the health care provider. The clinic will know exactly what it is. They see lots of them. No cover letter is needed or required. And I would be very cautious about corresponding with the clinic anyway. That's the employee/patient's obligation. If you're talking about some other type of letter, please clarify.

    BTW Sara, I love those chicken pot pies your family makes. Absolutely the best!
  • I am looking for a letter to give to the employee asking him to get certification from the doctor.

    And I am not so sure about the pot pies, but thanks, I will let the "family" know :)
  • I have to agree with Don's comments, except the pot pies. We never send a cover letter with the health care certification paperwork. What you say or don't say in your letter could be used against you in a court of law if problems arise with the employee's leave. The employee is obligated to provide the documentation when they request protection under FMLA, so it is in their best interest to provide you with the documentation as quickly as possible.
    Better to be safe than sorry. This is a case of the less said, the better off you are.
  • When we first become aware that there may be a qualifying FMLA event, we provide the EE with an information page outlining their rights and also their responsibilities and require that they sign stating they were provided same. This will provide proof that we the ER fulfilled our obligation of advising the EE in writing of their rights and responsibilities. (Found out the hard way that having postings in the facility and having a policy in a handbook and even if an EE had taken FML before, they must be notified each and every time in writing.
  • I've seen the word "obligation" used in this thread in reference to the employee. It's probably a good idea to check this article out:

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