"Eligible" employee

Strange situation - suppose an employee is out on leave, covered by workers' compensation, for the last 35 weeks. The employer never notified the employee of her FMLA rights, though clearly the 12 weeks has passed. Moreover, the employee, having been out for 35 of the last 52 weeks, has not worked 1,250 hours. At this point, with no indication that she will be released to work in the near future, the employer needs to fill her position - resulting in her termination. Can that employee claim a violation of the FMLA, when she is not "eligible" because she didn't work 1,250 hours (though she's been an employee for 3 years and worked that amount in a year previous)?
She had been off work for nearly a year, and was then able to come back to very limited duty. We hadn't notified her of her FMLA rights when she first went out. Because of the conflicting information regarding her need for surgery, as well as some other issues surrounding her case, we felt that it would be a gesture of good faith to offer her intermittent FMLA beginning with her return to limited duty.
Unfortunately, she exhausted her 480 hours of intermittent leave, and was subsequently terminated in a reduction in force. However, when her workers' comp case goes to court in September, I believe that the way we handled the FMLA issue will demonstrate that the company acted in good faith with respect to her employment with us - our attorney agrees.