Not returning from leave

My company's policy states that if someone does not return from FML, they must reimburse the company for all that was paid for their medical insurance, back to where their unpaid leave began.
What do other companies do?
What do other companies do?
* The continuation, recurrence, or onset of a serious health condition
of the employee or loved one; or
* Circumstances beyond the employee’s control, such as moving more
than 75 miles away due to a spouse’s job, the serious health condition
of a newborn, or some other event.
Our standard policy language provides for reimbursement, without mentioning the exceptions.
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
She was out on maternity leave and decided she wanted to stay home
right before she was scheduled to return. Our policy does not state any exceptions, just that they need to reimburse. After speaking with her,
she decided to return part time for awhile which took care of her problem, but wanted to see what others did, whether our policy was an exception or not.
thank you!
Donna Stout