Entertainiment and FMLA

I'm in HR for a casino. We have two employees out on FMLA - one for a broken foot, the other is recovering (rapidly it seems) from surgery. They come to the casino every day to game.
Personally, I don't care, although I think it's pretty arrogant (there was another word I wanted to use but the forum is perhaps not the place for it).
However, the director of HR feels there is something intrinsically wrong with this - the working employees are grumbling ("Gee I should get hurt so I can sit there, gamble, and watch everyone else work.").
My question, does it fall anywhere in the FMLA guidelines? Or would we write our own company policy should we not want them on premesis during FMLA?
Personally, I don't care, although I think it's pretty arrogant (there was another word I wanted to use but the forum is perhaps not the place for it).
However, the director of HR feels there is something intrinsically wrong with this - the working employees are grumbling ("Gee I should get hurt so I can sit there, gamble, and watch everyone else work.").
My question, does it fall anywhere in the FMLA guidelines? Or would we write our own company policy should we not want them on premesis during FMLA?
Just my opinion.
Our employees are here off shift all the time - having a drink, eating, watching entertainment or gaming. So this statement would have to specifically target people on leave. Is that legal? And then what do we do with mama on maternity leave coming on property to show off the new baby?
I'm thinking this could get to be more trouble than it's worth.
You can provide the health care provider with the essential functions of these individuals' jobs or you can invoke the second/third opinion provisions if you do not believe the current health care provider is correct.
Good luck.