Doctor's charge for Certification Form

Has anyone run into this situation?: employee does not want to provide certification because the doctor is charging them $20-30 for his time to fill out the paperwork. That seems like a high price to take 2 minutes to fill out the form; especially when you know filling out the form for you patient will help them keep their job. Where's the love? There must be a way to get around this without the employee having to pay the money. Is it even legal to charge? The employee makes only $8/hr and has been out of work for a few weeks, so money is tight. Reaction?
I think it stinks and have voiced my opinion to various medical professionals about it.
I have also heard of charging ees for the certification. I actually agree, to an extent. What would you do if on a Friday afternoon you had to pull thirty charts and fill out all those certifications? It could be a bit time consuming but I don't agree that it's worth $20 or $30. When did they legalize rape?
If there are physicians in your area who do not charge, you can also list them in your memo as well. Several doctors (who were charging) called to protest. We told them the minute they quit charging to let us know and we would take their name off the list. Worked like a charm. They all quit charging.
Hope it helps you.
Margaret Morford
FMLA is an unpaid leave. Perhaps this is one of the items needing addressed by FMLA law which would not allow an added expense for completing forms!