FMLA/DUI sentence

One of our employees received a two week sentence in a treatment facility after her second DUI offense. She tells us that she is seeing a mental health professional and going to AA. Will that two weeks mandated by the court be an FMLA event, if her physician or counselor says that she is being treated for alcoholism?
It is important that you find such an answer because if you do not allow FMLA leave and you terminate the employee, the employee may file suit claiming he/she did not get FMLA rights. Then again, if you put the employee on FMLA leave and it is not an FMLA reason, you have technically violated FMLA by diluting the employee's statutory leave rights.
From my personal perspective, I agree with Don.
On thing to remember is that, although FMLA allows time off for treatment of alcoholism, time off due to an employee being under the influence is NOT.