Inter. FMLA - Parent Teacher Conference

I know you all read the header and said no way! Parent teacher conferences are not related to an Intermittent FMLA leave. That was my initial answer too, but after questioning this individual on the parent teacher conference I figured I had just seek some additional help.
She has an intermittent leave for her son that suffers from ADHD, obsessive compulsive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and depression. When I asked her about the absence for a parent teacher conference she indicated to me that she must meet with the teacher to discuss his learning and behavior at school.
Any suggestions where I should go with this? Typically, it was just a couple of hours of time however I have frequent complaints that this individual isn't doing what she says she is doing. Any help would be much appreciated!
She has an intermittent leave for her son that suffers from ADHD, obsessive compulsive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and depression. When I asked her about the absence for a parent teacher conference she indicated to me that she must meet with the teacher to discuss his learning and behavior at school.
Any suggestions where I should go with this? Typically, it was just a couple of hours of time however I have frequent complaints that this individual isn't doing what she says she is doing. Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you for the help - your suggestion with after work appointments is great, I didn't even think about that! Thanks!
My experience has been that intermittent leaves are always misinterpreted by other employees. I wish everybody wouldn't watch to see what is others are doing (or not doing), but that's life. You state that you have frequent complaints about what the ee is or isn't doing. I am torn between telling you to pay attention with half an ear or telling you to ignore office "gossip". I am always concerned about ee believing that some one else is getting away with something that no one else can. I have heard many a whopper over the years from one employee who was "jealous" of another employee.
As far as other employees complaining, you are always going to have this because people feel someone is getting something they aren't getting. I always ask them if they would be willing to trade places with this person in order to get some time off. That usually makes them think.
As far as the other employees, in this case the FMLA eligible employee has admitted to using leave when not appropriate. For instance, she took a day off to wash clothes and told her co-workers that. This employee has been warned and hopefully I won't have any more problems with her.
Thanks Again!