Intermittent FMLA

Is a physician's certification (doctor's note) required for each unscheduled absence from an employee who has requested Intermittent FMLA? Also, if during an Intermittent FMLA leave, an employee is out for a duration of ex: 8 days, are we, the employer, allowed to request a fitness for duty release prior to allowing the employee to return to work?
In response to your second question regarding a more extended period of time off, you CAN ask for a doctor's slip allowing them to return to work. This is something that is typically addressed in an attendance policy. For example, our policy clearly states that an employee who is hospitalized or is off for three or more days must have a doctor's slip releasing them to return to work.
I hope this helps!
Section 825.203(c)(1)states, "Intermittent leave may be taken for a serious health condition. . .and may include leave of periods from an hour or more to several weeks." Section 825.203(d) states, "There is no limit on the size of an increment of leave when an employee takes intermittent leave. . ."
As long as you require the same things for non FMLA reasons, I don't see any problem with forcing them to take the entire day. I think the key here is consistency. The other option here is to require them to schedule an appointment after work hours (or at least attempt to). Under FMLA, you as the employer have the right to request that any appointments be scheduled outside of working hours as much as possible.
My interpretation of intermittent FMLA leave (and I could be way off base) is when a person needs a varying amount of time off and it is taken in less than one large block of time. This may mean shortened days or even several days off in a row, depending on the condition. You bring a good point up, however, regarding release to return to work. I know that if a person is approved for intermittent leave that you cannot request a doctor's release each time a person misses work but what if your attendance policy dictates that, after an absence of three or more days a person must have a doctor's release to return to work? Does this override that portion of FMLA that says you cannot require a doctor's slip when using intermittent FMLA?
We have several employees that have been approved for intermittent FMLA for a variety of conditions. Our attendance policy clearly states that employees must present a doctor's release after an absence of three or more days. These employees have been taking 3 and 4 days off in a week. They are the two biggest abusers of FMLA in the company so I'm wondering if I can require the doctor's slip in keeping with our attendance policy or if FMLA presides.
EDIT: OOPS! Big OOPS! I meant to say You are NOT trying to pry or roadblock. I hope you read it that way. My bad.