FMLA and Privacy
I have a teacher on FMLA. She recently asked me about retirement to care for her aging seriously ill mother. She is protected by FMLA currently, but isn't sure when she'll be able to return. She has been with us for 17 years and is eligible for retirement. Her principal is asking us when we think she'll be able to return, etc. I have not told him she is thinking about retirement because I feel that information is something the teacher should discuss with her principal when and if she makes a decision. My question: How much information should we share with others about the correspondence and information the employee gives us? Is there a law protecting the information they share with us or would the information be considered as a "need to know" basis? I do not feel comfortable sharing information other than letting the supervisor or principals know when a person is going on leave, giving extended leave information and release info.
Please assist!
Please assist!