FMLA & Termination

We have an hourly employee who was recalled from layoff, and within the month turned very ill and was placed on FMLA. His 12 weeks has now passed, and we feel we are forced to terminate to stay withing the FMLA guidelines. We do not have any STD of LTD. My question is, do we need to send a letter to confirm a telephone conversation of termination? And would we need to follow the same for an exempt employee should the same situation occur? Are there any form letters anywhere that I could use for this situation? Please advise. This is our first occurence of the 12 weeks running out. Thanks or your help!
Thanks for your input. I do not believe we have an ADA concern on this one due to the employee's condition is stroke related, and he is continuing to have bleeding into his brain cavity. His doctor has stated that he should not work at all.
>of upto an additional 14 weeks for those employees who are certified
>by the physician as still to ill to return to work and we deem worthy
>of our approval to extend.
How do you determine who you deem worthy of approval to extend? Is it based on their position or responsibilities? We do not have a specific policy in place for extending leave but we have one employee in a key position who would be very hard to replace. We have granted her an extension beyond the 12 weeks to receive radiation. We have another employee almost at her 12 weeks who is in an entry level position which we must have covered daily (a cook). We do not intend to extend her leave. I'm interested to hear your take on this. Thanks.
Cindy P.
Our Long Term Disability benefits (company paid to for all employees after one year of employment) does not begin until after 180 days or 6 months. The short term disability (voluntary plan) pays up to 6 months.
Once the are out for the 180 days and file for LTD, the employment status is terminated.
Good Luck!