FMLA - Employee unable to return

I have an employee that went out on FMLA in October 2001. She was not able to return after 12 weeks. June 2002, we sent her a letter informing her that her employment was discontinued and to reapply when she was able to return to work. Have I met all the obligations to the law and to the employee? She has retained legal counsel.
Margaret Morford
Margaret Morford
>If she is out on FMLA due to her own serious medical condition, you
>probably ought to determine whether she has a disability under the
>ADA. A reasonable accomodation could be an extension of leave time.
>You should at least have a documented discussion with the employee if
>ADA applies. Also, watch out when she re-applies. Do not take into
>account the time she was off as a reason not to rehire. She'll sue
>you for retailation for exercising her FMLA rights. However, if she
>is physically unable to perform her old job, that's a justifiable
>reason not to rehire.
>Margaret Morford
Margaret Morford