Eligibility after intermittent FMLA
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I have an employee who has been on itermittent FMLA since 09/30/2000 - first due to an illness in her family, then a personal illness. As of 09/18/2001 she has used up the last 6 of her 60 days. When is she again eligible?
For the rest of this discussion, let's assume you are on a calendar year, so that her new "year" does not start until January 1st, 2002. If that is the case, then once that new date comes along you will need to evaluate whether the employee is eligible for FMLA leave all over again. Has she worked 1250 hours for you in the prior year? If so, she gets to take another 12 weeks (or 60 days) of leave in 2002.
From now until the end of the year, however - you need to consider the ADA - is she disabled? Does she have a continuing need for an accommodation in the form of intermittent leave? If so you will continue to need to accommodate her under the ADA. I hope this helps.