hostile work environment

I have received a two week notice resignation letter from an employee who alleges as the reason for leaving "hostile work environment". In a six page attachment she states that she doesn't trust her supervisor, her evaluations listed minor performance issues and her supervisor micro-manages her. My understanding of "hostile work environment" is it must be in conjunction with an alleged violation of the law, ie. rase, age etc.. However, I can't help wondering if she isn't setting us up. I have documentation on all her many performance problems and counselling sessions and she says she has her own documentation,which she won't share, from the day she started work. I really don't want to talk to this person anymore or do another investigation but should I?
Margaret Morford
You won't know, unless you talk to the employee, whether the harassment is the legal kind or one which fits the generic definition. It is necessary for you to talk to the employee, if for no other reason, that to ensure that you are not facing the legal type. Further, you may find out about some sort of interaction that has occurred between the employee and the supervisor which needs to be talked about with the supervisor. While it is easy to blame the employee, problems are often a two way street.