FMLA abuse
We have 2 staff members that have recently been out on FMLA. Neither has exhausted their 12 weeks and we are documenting time missed and tracking the time. Both are missing either Mondays, Fridays or weekends regularly. One called in and said Mondays are not good for me - she did not say her health problem was an issue. She has also been diagnosed with another problem so I think ADA will come into the picture. How can we address the abuse problem and not cross any lines that will trigger an action against us becaus of the FMLA and possibly the ADA? If we prove a pattern (which we can from time records) will this help us address the abuse without repercussions?
Be careful not to cut corners on your procedures or make hasty decisions. If things get ugly, you might need a lawyer.
Hope this helps. Call me if you have questions at 615-371-8200.
Margaret Morford
I think I would prefer to get a Certificate of Medical Need, and then hold the employee to the times and frequency of absences certified in that. If the employee tells me that their condition has changed, then I would ask them to get a new certificate of need from the Health Care Provider to document that.
The FMLA does give employees a lot of rights, but it does not take away management's basic right, and responsibility, to do their job-manage the situation. The law and regulations even provide us with some excellent management tools to do this-like the Health Care Provider's Certificate.
Call me if you have any questions at 615-371-8200.
Margaret Morford
Hope that helps. If you are going to do this, I recommend that the HR department manage it as they understand the liability for reatilation and what should be said and what shouldn't. The supervisor should tell the employee to see HR and then HR advise the supervisor what absences should count and what should be excused. This will lift a huge burden from the supervisor and make sure the experts are dealing with this type of tricky situation.
Margaret Morford