Hired an illegal alien

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-12-08 AT 02:43PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Just found out that one of our locations knowingly hired an illegal alien. We're fairly positive that it's one person and the reason is for sympathetic reasons. It doesn't excuse but we know it's going to get ugly. Anyone had any experience on what I can expect next and proper course? First thought was to simply let the person go and wait for it to blow over. I know better. Any help?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Do you currently have practices in place where you are using E-Verify or verifiying the SS# online with the SS Administration? If you do and the ee's info came back unverified, you would then have a process you could follow to get that person to give you good documents that you can verify or terminate himself out of the company.

    If you don't, your best line of defense would be to call an immigration attorney and get some guidance.

    I haven't had your experience, but I'm a few weeks shy from terminating my 1st ee because their SS# came back as invalid with the SS Administration and they haven't done any follow-up to get it fixed or provide me with accurate documentation.
  • How do you "know" that employee is illegal? Did you use E-verify or did someone tell you?
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