Re-naming Thanksgiving and Christmas Day

We are in the process of updating our Employee handbook. Because of the diversity of our employees, we need to rename some of our holidays. We changed Good Friday to Spring Break day. What suggestions would you have with the holiday's Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day?
If so, that's a good one.
It's becoming a sad, sad world if this is an issue with anyone.
Where will it end?
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but many of us find this type of behavior where we go out of our way to be politically correct to be offensive.
And just a little soapbox standing, and this is all I will say on it. No replies, no nothing. I realize this issue angers a lot of people, but did you ever stop to think about the people it affects on the other side? They are angered too, and just as rightfully. They have holy days/holidays too, and they don't get the luxury of a paid day off to celebrate. If we truly are an egalitarian nation based on equality of man, what's the problem? I personally feel that we all need to get past the "me me me" mindset and realize that this is the workplace of today, and not the workplace of 100 years ago.
Soap box exited, and please do not get offended, this is just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to theirs, but I know this is one issue that some of you on the forum will try to "rip me a new one" on.
Where does it end? And relative to the concept of being egalitarian, how does observing these holidays and using their traditional names affect one's political, economic, and legal rights? We already have laws on the books that says ee's have the right to take off bona fide religious holidays.
People are offended over this issue because they want to be. I find their offense to be disengenuous.
How do you think Muslims would feel if we refused to use the name Ramadan and called it something else? Let's ban that name from society completely. Obliterate it.
Your idea is incredibly misguided. If I were you I would take the number of days that are holidays and give them to people as "floater" days. Then they can use it for any holiday they choose.
Your company wants to change the name of holidays? You need to really think about that statement.
I have never heard of changing Good Friday to something else, but know that many companies now say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. I prefer just Spring holiday as opposed to Spring Break Day, but you might run into problems there too as many will consider it some kind of paganism.
I don't think you need to change Thanksgiving, as it, like the 4th of July, is tied to patriotism and the start of our country and not necessarily religion (depends upon the eye of the beholder). However, you might try using something like the December holiday for December 25th. I am not sure it really makes any difference though, as everyone knows what day you are talking about when you say December 25th.
Do you have any concerns that if you change it from 'Christmas' that someone will say we think December 20th is a better choice and expect you to move it?
I think you might consider just stating that you have selected these 'traditional' holidays as they fit most of the population, and do not mean to imply any religious preference. Remember, if these are designated national holidays by Congress and named as such, then you are not the one naming them in the first place but just following along with law makers.
Here we will continue to call them the traditional names and will not make any special reference to them as religious at all. And, btw, we no longer say Merry Christmas but rather Happy Holidays.
Good luck!
This is a lot different than what you are suggesting, but this is how we have worked through diversity issues such as this.
This is the ultimate in PC silliness.
If you insist on being politically correct, have no holidays and simply expand you paid days off policy; oh and when you do that make sure you don't close the business in recogntion of any holiday or holyday either. Wouldn't want to touch any other sensitivities by not allowing people to work on days they don't observe.
One last thing: There is one day all of us can still take as we move to this Godless society: April 1 - April Fools Day, because we all are if we continue to compromise and sell out.
Nuf said.
Also how do you change the Birthday of Christ that we celebrate. If they do not believe in the Christmas holiday than why should they have it off?
These holidays are what our country was founded on and what it stands for. Now someone is saying that our country no longer stands for these beliefs? Well our founding fathers would roll over in their grave.
This silliness just disgusts me and I am so tired of it. The stores now saying Happy Holidays. Everyone has forgotten what we are celebrating so if we are changing the names of all of our holidays...what and why are we celebrating the holidays? Just make everyone work them.
I think a far better and fundamental question is to ask how to not alienate those of differing beliefs during our recognized, established holidays, especially those with a religious background. How can we ensure our diverse workforce is not offended or discriminated against?
But you are assuming that the people that get offended by Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, Happy Thanksgiving, etc. are lucid, rational and sane.
It is obvious that as a group we are sick to death of PC. However, whether we like it or not we should try to be sensitive to the beliefs and feelings of everyone. In my home life I say Merry Christmas. I work hard to make sure my family remembers the reason for the season. At work I say Happy Holidays. I believe right now all of our employees fall into the Christian category, but that is all the more reason for us not to put a religious face on the company as a whole for the benefit of those who might come in the future and feel uncomfortabe as the one who stands out.
I said earlier that Bullion should keep to the legal name (as designated by Congress), however, looking at the calendar seems like a good idea long as it wasn't produced by a group with a particular axe to grind (ie a religious group).
Just my 2 cents.
I just think that everyone is worrying about offending those diverse groups that are offended by Christmas and Thanksgiving. Well I am offended because they are being changed. What my feelings no longer count? So it is okay if I am offended by the holidays being changed but it is not okay if a few diverse are offended by our holidays that we have had for a few hundred years?
I am sorry but I just am unable to grasp that concept. Sorry Bullion I did not mean to be unkind, but I am honestly offended by this policy, and I am not the only one. We are part of the group also...we have feelings and they count.
As long as I am HR Director at my company we will have Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, New Years, Easter, Good Friday, Labor Day, Veteran's Day and any other holiday that is an "AMERICAN" holiday and belongs to "AMERICA". That is a promise to all those employees that are true Americans and loyal to it and it's customs.
If it's Christmas, it's Christmas. If it's Easter, it's Easter. If it's Yom Kippur, it's Yom Kippur.
I nor anyone I know is offended by Cinco de Mayo, Hanukah, yon kipper, Immaculate Conception, All Saints Day, Boxing Day or whatever holiday is present.
The day is what it is.
I do not wish to delve into anyone's faith, I am only saying what is there...the day is what it is and you can't make it different by changing the name.
What about all the accomodation requests coming from the Muslim population. Would they accomodate our requests or protests overthere? NO WAY.
So why should we? Why do we have to be "politically correct" and say "Happy Holidays?" America is a free country, yes, but it is America and we should not have to back up or deny what is part of the American's heritage. Thousands have died through-out the years to make this country free for all. Now part of the "all" want to take over and change everything (without mentioning blowing us up!!)
I say NO, it is time to really stop this madness.
Finally I want to say that if I offended anyone I did not mean it.
That said, I wish Bullion would return to either defend their position or comment.
The nature of the question took me aback too, and I couldn't help wondering if Boullion wanted to get us all stirred up (stranger things have happened on this forum). However, I looked this poster up and noted that this is not the first time he/she has asked a question regarding diversity. In previous posts, Boullion has said that he/she works for a non-profit organization which receives federal grants. From those questions, I am assuming that Christmas parties, etc, have become an area of contention for the employer. Boullion is only trying to do the right thing.
Whether you agree with it or not, in this country governments go to extreme lengths to stay out of anything remotely religious. I don't think that is what our founders intended, but that is what it is NOW. Boullion's employer uses federal grants. I am certain their attempts at diversity are in part to make sure they don't cut off their income.
As I said before, we will not be changing the names of our holidays here. I do say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas in the office, but that is only because I am part of the management team and therefore represent the company in this area. Boullion did not ask us whether he should do this or not, he asked for input on what other names might be useful. I sincerely hope the management team there rethinks things, but if they have decided their course, then I will not criticise them. Boullion asked for help and I did my best to do so.
I can't help wondering when so many of us do not appreciate the lengths the government has gone to for 'separation of church and state' that they don't wake up and smell the roses. What we need is a coalition for an amendment. I believe the founders intended the government NOT to force religion on its citizens, which is not the same thing as not allowing any hint of religion. I also believe the current view is what is causing so many disputes and lawsuits, as well as Boullion's dilemma.
One more thought. I recently read that the numbers of Americans flocking to other religions is rising fast. The article predicted that soon Christians would be a minority. How would you feel if Congress decided to take away Christmas and declare some other religion's holiday as the holiday? Would you feel fine to take off a Muslim holiday, for instance, but have to work Christmas? Whatever side you are on, it can't be easy. The best thing we can do is try to be sensitive to the beliefs and needs of others, and not try to ram something down their throat because it is what WE believe and has always been there.
Just my 2 cents.
I'll add that if you think a post doesn't meet the Forum "protocol" hit the alert button. Commentary about my posts is a waste of your time. Peace.
You name the genre, they are there fighting every inch of the way.
Marina's observation is right on target. Why don't we wake up and see what's happening?