Days worked before time off.

I am a Human Resources Administrator. I am new to the forum but I have a question. How many days straight can an employee work without having a day off?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Turn to your state's labor law to determine if there is a state regulation addressing your question. FLSA at the federal level does not have a requirement, unless the employee is a minor. Another consideration would be whether your company has a collective bargaining agreement/union in place. If so, the agreement will give you the guidance you seek.

    best wishes.
  • You would also need to pay attention to overtime hours. If your talking about a person working more than 40 hours from Sunday to Saturday and then going straight into the next week with the same schedule all over again. Or, if they are working 7 straight 8 hour days, you will be paying overtime.
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