Help for an employee in need

I don't really know if there is an answer for what I am about to ask, but I figured if there was, you guys would know it. We have a longstanding employee whose husband has a terminal illness. She is struggling to care for him and has enlisted in help and resources for the same. During this time her dedication to the company and work has remained stellar. She has been hit hard financially and chose to take an exhorbitant loan from her 401K, which will severely limit her in terms of retirement timeframe. Of course there is the EAP and general managerial support, but what else can you think of that would could possibly provide to provide assistance/resources during this time?

Thanks much in advance for anything you can recommend.

Vance Miller
Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
(314) 621-5070


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If she hasn't already, I would suggest she contact a local hospice. They are a wonderful resource. In the past, with management approval, we have solicited (I hate using that word) donations from employees to assist their co-worker. Your company could also sponsor some type of fundraiser, such as a poker run, auction, dinner, etc.
  • I am very sorry to hear about your employee and her husband. My heart goes out to them. I went through this with my husband 2 years ago and hospice was a miracle. They take over everything and the financial burden is lessened considerably. Most medical insurances have a hospice benefit. Suggest she and her husband talk to Social Security. There is a 6 month waiting period, but it is retroactive to date of approval. My husband passed away before the 6 month period, but it is worth it to try. It can mean thousands of dollars in benefits. Some life insurance policies also have an ALB (Accelerated Living Benefit) up to half the policy amount, payable while the insured is alive. It helped us to pay bills such as mortgage, food, etc.

    I hope this helps.

  • One thing we do for employees and their families who have been hit with a medical problem is take in food -- we set up a spreadsheet that the entire bank can get to and different "teams" of folks sign up to either take in a meal or provide gift certificates. This helps financially as well as with time and displays of support. I've never had a family who didn't seem appreciative.
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