violent union employee

A union stagehand (who as a stagehand works in a number of venues in the same city) has a long history of having a short temper. He apparently has just never learned to deal with his temper and is easily set off in the workplace by outside factors--usually issues with his ex-wife. Recently when working in one the venues he threatened to hit a member of the road crew for a band. He was immediately sent home and the manager for the venue where the incident took place stated he does not want him working in that venue again until he gets counseling. He is willing to have the stagehand back in his venue at a later date, when he has dealt with his anger issues.
The union that represents the stagehand has provided the stagehand with information on free or low cost counseling to deal with his anger. As a member of the executive board that will discipline the stagehand for the incident, I want to be certain of what can be requested in the way of documentation from the counselor that the stagehand is fit to return to work. He will be suspended from the work call list because of the incident, but we (the union) want to make sure we do everything we legally can to ensure he is not put back on the call list until he has dealt with his issues and can safely work with other people in any of the venues where stagehands work.
What advice do you all have?
The union that represents the stagehand has provided the stagehand with information on free or low cost counseling to deal with his anger. As a member of the executive board that will discipline the stagehand for the incident, I want to be certain of what can be requested in the way of documentation from the counselor that the stagehand is fit to return to work. He will be suspended from the work call list because of the incident, but we (the union) want to make sure we do everything we legally can to ensure he is not put back on the call list until he has dealt with his issues and can safely work with other people in any of the venues where stagehands work.
What advice do you all have?
Review company policy to determine just what options are available to you.
Anything close to a medical stmt would be limited to a medical professional's opinion on whether this individual can safety reintegrate.
Maybe some discussion about what 'assault' means, arrest/conviction, his job. Hopefully, your work environment has a zero tolerance. My organization would investigate and terminate. His actions are causing a hostile environment and risking significant liability for your company.
Another timely and appropriate reminder may be that he should keep his personal troubles personal and, as his employer, you should not be expected to tolerate him letting them spill over into the workplace.
best wishes.
You can request a fitness for duty statement from the counselor, just like you do from a medical doctor. Neither of these require you to violate the employee's privacy. In this case, I would also request the counselor include their credentials. It won't ultimately make any difference, but it might make you feel better about the employee returning if you see that the counselor really knows what he is talking about (and also isn't the employee's cousin Joe).
Good luck!
It also sounds like, from your post, that you are the Union, who is also this person's employer. I would presume that you have legal counsel, as do our four unions, and would suggest you talk with them as well to cover your bases.
Good luck
As it happens, the union president located an organization that provides low-cost counseling services and the stagehand has already scheduled an appointment.
What is left now for the executive board to deal with is how long the stagehand will be suspended from the call rotation.
HR in my real job somehow seems much easier!