Family Dr. vs. Specialist R/T/W note

May an employer require an employee to get a R/T/W note from the specialist who has been treating them rather than from their family doctor who has not been their treating physician for this particular illness?
1. is this FMLA or just RTW (fitness for duty)
2. how do you know the GP is not the treating Dr
3. do you have reason to doubt (observable)
I know you know that if it's FMLA, you can turn to a 2nd opinion. However, outside of that, I can't imagine that it would matter unless you are talking about a fitness for duty situation and you have observed that returning the employee to the job will be a problem.
I'm curious to hear from other forumites on this one.
I really think the issue has to do with why you are questioning the RTW stmt. Is there a specific reason you don't trust the stmt?