I-9 completion

We use agency temporary employees and if their performance is satisfactory after 90 days we hire them.

Usually the Friday before their start day (which is the following Monday) we ask the person to complete forms: tax, I-9, etc.

Can we have the employee complete an I-9 before their actual hire date or must the employer wait until their hire date for the form to be completed?

I don't want an auditor to see that the employee completed the form on the 8th of June but didn't actually start working for us until the 11th of June even though they went from agency temp status to employee status within the same company. Thanks.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I have new hires complete I-9, tax forms, etc., post offer. The forms can be completed but you cannot verify them through the Pilot Program (if you use it) until their DOH. You enter their DOH on the form so the date it is completed is not relevent unless it is more than 3 days AFTER they have started work. Then you have problems.
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