Creditor Calls

Does anyone have advise about how to handle harassing creditor calls for employees. I encounter very obnoxious collectors who just won't take no for an answer and call every single day. I thought bill collectors were not suppose to call employees at work. Of course, it's not the employee who is being harassed it's the HR staff.
Once they are told to stop, they are not supposed to call again. You may want to look at the [url][/url] and I think he has the connection to the "act" that you can quote. I just can't remember.
Also, another thing that can be done is to say that you can only take a number and provide it to the employee, that they cannot take incoming calls. However, this normally doesn't stop it. Some of these are so rude and difficult. I even feel sorry for the employee (but not too much.)
E Wart
I will print this info and give it to any employee who is having this problem, so they know their rights. They can also file an on-line claim with their state's Better Business Bureau and with the collection agency's state's Better Business Bureau.
When a collector calls, we inform them this is a place of business and they are never to call here again and then, we hang up on them.
Thanks for the website for the FTC it is quite helpful.