Eliminating VP Position
38 Posts
Hello forum! I really need some guidance. We are a small company in Delaware, which is also an "at-will" state. We have elminated a VP of Operations position. Now, keep in mind the person in this position has been with the company for 18 years. Part of the job was VP and another part was marketing. The owners of the company had made the decision to elminate that job and are looking at outsourcing the marketing piece. We do have 2 other VP's in place and with us being so small, there is no need for another VP. This person has been in the VP slot for 2 years. Her employment file has no negativity and her evaluations are fine. It was a hard decision, but business related nonetheless. We did give her a month's severance and will not fight unemployment. She is threatening to sue the company. We did not elminate her position due to poor performance, or discriminate against her due to anything in regards to Title VII. It was a position that was not necessary any longer. This elimination happened very rapidly. Anything I should be concerned with? Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Ray has given you some great insight, and I think you should be comforted that even if she goes ahead with some sort of wrongful termination suit, you are standing on solid ground if the facts are as you stated.
There are several factors to consider for this. I know some say we will send you your personal belongings. I think this exposes the companies to claims of missing things, damaged items, etc.
So I like to accompany them to their desk and allow them a few minutes to gather everything up. It is helpful if you can provide a box or two or some grocery bags for this purpose. It is also very embarrassing, so if you can time it so that most folks are not around, such as a lunch hour or at the end of the day.
I find it helpful if you have a checklist of the company property that needs to be turned it, such as keys, cell phones, etc. Also, notify IT as soon as possible so access to systems can be protected. I also like to have the final check ready.
No fun, good luck.
So I got some boxes and very carefully and with the utmost respect" packed everything up and we had it delivered to her.
She actually called me and thanked me for the way her "stuff" arrived. She said she knew I had packed it up because she remembered how anal I am.
She's actually called me several times since to let me know how she's doing. She has a new job now and doing very well.
My experience has shown me that as people continue to think about their termination, and they will for the rest of their life, they focus on the "what" of it all short term and the "how" of it all long term. The little things you do out of care and respect will make a lasting impression which will be good for you and your company.
Ray, I know you've just gone through a series of these trials. What say you?
When I had to escort the directors several years ago, these were my peers, one of whom I had known for nearly 20 years. Only one was obstreperous - he refused any help and on the way out he threw his badge and cell phone at me. Others allowed me to assist them. It was humorous though, one guy grabbed the smaller box so I had to take the larger and heavier box. But, that same guy has kept in touch with me occasionally.