Personnel Files

I received a request from a former EE to get a copy of her personnel file. I was not here when the EE worked for our company. She was fired (1995)a few years before I started. I don't know why she wants the file. Our company policy only states that current employees can view their personnel file in the presence of someone from the HR dept. I know under the Open Records Act public employers in KY must allow current and former EEs to inspect and copy their file. Has anyone heard of any other law that would mandate that I give this person a copy of her file. I had not planned to copy the file, but if she insist, I want to be prepared to tell her we don't have to do it.
Let them go to the hassle and expense of subpoenaing the files - then get your own lawyer involved. This tactic may weed out those that don't want to work at it.
Good record retention question - worth looking at the length of time that you have to hang onto these type of records.
I never give former employees anything. They have to go thru an attorney.
>just because that's a rule of thumb in some
>instances. What is the actual # of years we
>need to hang on to them?
With the evolving HIPAA regulations I believe records retention is still being defined. Our standard is 5 years. We do not provide copies of employee's files because they are Company property. We will provide them copies of file items that they would have received a copy of anyway, i.e., disciplines. But that's all we provide without a subpoena. The same rule applies to our union representatives: view but no copies.
Depending on your retention schedule, the file may have - or should have been destroyed. In that case, you have nothing to worry about because you wouldn't have a file on this person.
If I were you, I'd begin by checking the retention schedule for your state.
According to Nevada Revised Statutes, a former employee can request a copy of their files within 60 days of termination of employment.
We keep almost all of our records for 7 years due to tax laws, including employee records. If we have a state law for this, I am unaware of it.