Time Sheets and Terminated Employee

I have been requested by an employee who was recently terminated to turn over a copy of all time sheets to her for a meeting. I will assume the meeting is either with unemployment or an attorney. My question is, am I required to do this or is this something that I should wait for a court order to release.

Employee was terminated for behavior reasons not time or performance. Need answers quick!! Thanks!!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I wouldn't. I would say that these are company property and that if she needs copies of these, she can subpoena them. Sounds as if she is going to Dept. of labor or an attorney trying to build a case. (I don't know how many years back she is asking for, but I would also charge them for the time to get this together.)
    E Wart
  • I would tell her you need the request in writing from whomever needs the information. It is company property and you do not need to give to her based on her verbal request. If she truly is pursuing legal action against you, I would give it only if subpeoned.
  • I agree that you should not provide them to her. Have her make the request in writing by whomever wants them with her written approval. In all honesty, she could have made her own copies when she was an employee if they were really important to her.
  • I would deny her request but also tell that if she has a specific question relating to her pay that you would be happy to try and assist her. Maybe you can find out what she is really digging for and why.
  • I think you need to check your State's employment statutes. Our's provides the employee access to and copies of his/her personnel file. It also defines all documents pertinent to the employee's employment as part of the personnel file whether or not maintained in one central location. So, the facts as decscribed above, would require us to provide the time sheets to the employee.
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