job descriptions -- who signs?

Do you have employees sign job description, and when? upon hire or promotion, for example?

Do you have supervisor sign? does a copy, signed or unsigned, go in the employee's personnel record?



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • New employees, reassignments or at least review once a year or upon necessary to update the job description.

    It should be signed by the department head as well as the staff.

    It should be filed in an individual's personnel file.


  • I have supvs go over PDs with hires, promotions, or when major changes in position occur then both sign, plus myself & CEO. If no major changes to duties in 3 yrs a new PD is signed by all. Copies to EE, supv, EE file and original in PD file. Hope that helps.
  • We have the EE sign during orientation. We also attach the current job description to each annual evaluation.
  • We are just changing our process to having the employee, supervisor and an HR representative sign job descriptions. They will be signed when an employee is hired into a position (initial hire or promotion) or if the job changes significantly enough to warrant a new job descriptions. Employees and supervisors will be required to certify at the time of the employee's annual evaluation that they have reviewed the job description and that it is current or, if not, draft a revised description.
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