Salaried Time Keeping

Currently, we do not track salaried employees' time, except we do enter holiday time for accounting purposes and we do enter vacation time for whole day absences, so their vacation balance is accurate.
We now have a salaried employee who qualifies for FMLA - it doesn't come up that often, but it comes up. His supervisor is bothered by his occasional absences, but we have explained these are covered by FMLA.
I was any of you track salaried employee absences? It would be nice to have a record of any whole day absences (I'm not interested in anything besides these) for two reasons - to make sure no one is abusing time off and to make sure no one is unfairly blamed for time-off.
We now have a salaried employee who qualifies for FMLA - it doesn't come up that often, but it comes up. His supervisor is bothered by his occasional absences, but we have explained these are covered by FMLA.
I was any of you track salaried employee absences? It would be nice to have a record of any whole day absences (I'm not interested in anything besides these) for two reasons - to make sure no one is abusing time off and to make sure no one is unfairly blamed for time-off.
Their manager signs off on the timeshee, makes a copy, and turns in the original to payroll so the employee's paid leave totals can be adjusted.
E Wart
James Sokolowski
Exempt complete a timesheet showing an X on days worked and a benefit code on days when taking time off. i.e. V for vacation.
Yes we track management time and where their office uses a time clock system they punch in and out. However, the purpose is not for the maintenance of time keeping, but it is an official record of the Manager's "where abouts" during anytime of the working year. The manager is the signature authority on each remote location. Should anything happen on the work site, we must be able to verify and account for our manager's location. This time is also not used for the calculation of time worked. A manager is at work 24 hours a day and 8 days a week.
We use the last 52 weeks of compensation, not including BONUS paid to determine the short term disability and Family Medical Policy compensation amounts. Company Meadical leave plan runs in concert with FMLA. Weekly salary is paid under the provisions of FMLA and our company Medical Policy (66 2/3%of the average weekly salary paid). EXEMPT and NON-EXEMPT are paid, accordingly, EXEMPT is paid based on gross salary and NON-EXEMPT is calculated based on total hours worked and the average for the last 52 weeks.