Emergency / Distaster Plan

My small company has no written disaster plan document. However, we think it's time to write one which includes IT issues, personnel, etc.
Can someone share their policy or point me to a website where a sample policy may be found?
Can someone share their policy or point me to a website where a sample policy may be found?
>email address to [email]hrcontact@laars.com[/email].
I would also love to see a copy of your plan.
I am the HR Coordinator for a small company and have been asked by a large customer to provide an Avian Flu Preparedness Plan.
Thank You so much.
[url]http://www.fema.gov/preparedness/prepare_guides_links.shtm#guides[/url]. While putting a plan together
specifically for your company will take some effort on your part, many resources are out there.
I haven't seen the book yet, but from looking at the web page it seems to focus a lot on the legal issues that arise from a disaster. I imagine the other resources that people suggested will focus more on practical matters.
James Sokolowski