Paid Time Off Payout Upon Termination

Our current policy for terminating employees is to pay them out upon their leave for sick time/paid time off for all accrued time up to one year. In other words, if an employee accrues 168 hours/ year of PTO but has 200 hours in his/her bank, we would only pay them out for 168 hours. It has been brought to our attention that this may not be legal but I cannot find any updated information regarding this. Any assistance that can be provided about current HR law regarding payout upon termination would be helpful.
Agreed! Our state regs don't rule on how much- just when. We used to pay out in two week increments, along w/ payroll. Our statutes require all payments within 10 days. We changed our payouts, much to the chagrin of our Treasurer.
This is one of the problems in using PTO here in Massachusetts as opposed to breaking the leave out in categories. You are required to pay an employee for all accrued, but unused vacation time upon termination, though you are not required to pay them for unused sick time. When you blur the line into PTO, it becomes an open issue. I've discussed it with the AG's office and they don't really take a firm position as to whether or not you can try to segregate out the sick time.
More directly, though, assuming that all of your PTO is considered vacation time, you cannot cap the payout.