Accrue Time when on FMLA
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Do you allow your employees to accrue paid time off when they are out on FMLA leave?
To my knowledge, the FMLA does not require leave accruals. The Act does tell us the we follow our benfits plans with respect to allowing the use of leave banks while off - and some plans, by the way, can exclude the use of these banks. I think that pretty rare though.
Look to your leave policy. If you normally give 2 weeks at year end, then the employee will have it coming even if they were out on FMLA. If you accrue based on time paid, then it will work like ours. Remember, employees who use FMLA are not supposed to lose any benefits they would have received if they had not been on FMLA. But you don't have to give them extra benefits either.
Good luck!
We also offer an extended sick leave of approx. 4 weeks to those who have been here 5 years or more. They have to have been out for 60 days straight to qualify for it. Under that case, the employee might use up their time and be on an unpaid/non-accrual status for awhile. After the 60 days kicks in, however, they will be paid the ESL benefit, and once again accrue leave. As I said, it only matters if they are paid or not. BTW, did I mention how lucky I have been not to have to administer this so far? Since I have been doing HR no one has used the ESL benefit, but I am sure it is only a matter of time. Thank goodness for computer systems!
Good luck!