Police at the door!!!

When a police officer appears at your door requesting personal information about one of your employees, such as phone, address and social security number, as part of an invesitgation of a crime, what are are obligations and prohibitions about furnishing such private info. Do you automatically comply? Ask for a subpoena? If you realease such info, are you subject to any "invasion of privacy" charges from the employee? Forumites, what say you???


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Here's one thread that talks about a somewhat similar situation: [url]http://www.hrhero.com/employersforum/DCForumID14/6849.html[/url]

    But it doesn't mention the police. I might make a quick call to an attorney (will probably cost you $30 or so) but I would probably comply. I might also be honest with the officer and ask what employers typically do - but I work in a small town (and live in a smaller town) so it's a little different.
  • We would comply if it involves a police officer with a warrant, especially regarding criminal activity as we would need to know what to do about the employee ourselves.

    However, if it is a police officer or constable just wanting to serve a supoena...or however you spell it!

    Jane in Lexington
  • As a public employer, we would most definitely ask for a subpoena.
  • Might check your state laws as well. Here, police or not, we would have to hand it all over except the ss #. Don't have to give reason, a name, nada, sucks.
  • I've since talked to two attorneys about this and they both informed me to definately NOT provide a soc number without a warrant or release from the employee granting us permission to do so.
  • VPHR: You know a friendly relationship in the local police forces runs a two way street. We use the police force our selves for information and security of our property which is in the remote locations in the counties. I most certainly "will confirm information" that they all ready have to include the personal ID number of the drivers license. About 95% of our employees have their SSN as the same number on their SS card. The local sheriff's office in each of our complex locations give and seek information on employees as a part of their operations and since it effects our company and our employees they will get us involved and we in turn get them involved when we need background or reference checks accomplished. The deputy sheriffs patrol our facilities when off duty and report to our our management group information of importance to the security of our remote locations. When they need a clarification of employee information we help to clarify.

    This makes for a good working relationship in our communities. They help us to develop planted employees that are informants and this gives this person a remote place to work and still do other things for the betterment of the community like drug network, the theft of "piglets" and "hogs". The wild west is alive and well in our state and our industry. We even have a state enforcement officer that investigates and acts upon the activities of russlers!

  • Hey, thanks for the update!
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