Bereavement Policy

Does anyone have a bereavement policy for the 4 day workweek. At present we have some employees that work 5 days and most who work the 4 day work week at present our Bereavement policy reads as such:
Bereavement leave is disigned to provide employees with paid time away from work to grieve and to handle matters related to a death in their family.
Full-time employees may receive up to three (3) paid days off for Bereavement leave for an immediate family member. Employees who work a 5 day workweek will be paid for 3 consecutive work days. (We would like to add this clause here Employees who work the 4-day workweek, when the bereavement leave falls during their reqular scheduled day off, their regular scheduled day off will be included as one of their bereavement days therefore the employee will only be paid for 2 bereavement absences which will total 19hrs). Immediate family includes the following and so it continues.
Does anyone else have the same senario? and how did you solve this? or does anyone have suggestions. Help
Thank you
Bereavement leave is disigned to provide employees with paid time away from work to grieve and to handle matters related to a death in their family.
Full-time employees may receive up to three (3) paid days off for Bereavement leave for an immediate family member. Employees who work a 5 day workweek will be paid for 3 consecutive work days. (We would like to add this clause here Employees who work the 4-day workweek, when the bereavement leave falls during their reqular scheduled day off, their regular scheduled day off will be included as one of their bereavement days therefore the employee will only be paid for 2 bereavement absences which will total 19hrs). Immediate family includes the following and so it continues.
Does anyone else have the same senario? and how did you solve this? or does anyone have suggestions. Help
Thank you
It looks like the 4-day EEs would lose under the policy you propose-- since they would be eligible for only 19 hrs bereavement leave, while 5-day EEs would be eligible for 3 days (= 24 hrs?)?
While we do not allow compressed workweeks here, we do account for all leave in terms of hours (not days) for all EEs, exempt and non-exempt... and it allows us to be more flexible in addressing variying situations.... including allowing non-exempt EEs to take partial days of bereavement leave, etc.
"Days lost qualify for pay reimbursement only if they are regularly scheduled days of work preceding and including the day of burial. In this period of absence, including non-working and/or no-scheduled work days, compensation for the absence shall not be provided for those non-scheduled work days. An employee will be paid (8 hours x base rate) for each day of leave."
What this all means is that we would pay up to 24 hours from time of death through date of burial for any regularly scheduled work day. (if mother died on Friday and buried on Monday, you could pay for Friday only, since Sat and Sun are not scheduled work days and you pay for only 3 "consecutive days" or you could pay for Friday and Monday and say that these are the only work days between the date of death and through date of burial. If employee didn't work on Friday, you wouldn't owe for that day. You would handle this just like a holiday that the employee would not get paid if it was scheduled on their regular day off.)
(Could word something like you will pay up to 24 hours based on the employee's normal work schedule for days between the date of death and the date of burial if the days are normal work days. Or something like this.)
Anyway, my grips are that some people take longer than others between death and burial (ie. Blacks in south normally have about a week between these where those of the Jewish faith bury the next day.) Also, you may really need a day after burial if travel involved or you may need a day or two after burial if you are executor of the estate (which I guess would get into personal or vacation time.)
I've gone on too long. Let me know if you have questions. [email][/email]
E Wart