HIPAA Privacy and e-mail
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Our CEO would like to be able to send information about employees who are ill or having surgery or are hospitalized to all employees via e-mail. He understands HIPAA and privacy concerns, but he wants to find a way around it. We're thinking of having employees sign a release if they would like to have information shared with others. Any opinions? Do you think a signed release would protect us? I'd appreciate any comments.
Even with a signed release, you might have other employees bring up concerns about the sharing of such private information w/all employees.
I also wonder what his his reasoning for wanting to do this. Would he like people to know about a very personal problem that he might have.
Good luck!
In some companies, this would be a fine thing to do, simply notifying that someone is out for a period of time. I would verify with the employee that he/she is comfortable with that (often times they want others to be aware - they get cards, flowers and emails from those who care).
I dunno, I just don't think this is as terrible as some are making it out to be. Sure, I would stop short of revealing the reason for the leave, but otherwise it could be doable.
AJ SPHR - can you elaborate? Are you thinking that this kind of communication is not covered or that the employer is not a covered entity? Or something else?
This kind of general email is not PHI. And, specifically FMLA and short disability benefits are excluded from coverage under HIPAA. That's why I stated that HIPAA wouldn't apply.
That doesn't mean that you don't still use caution when sharing private medical information. But, HIPAA seems to be thrown around way too often as the reason to not do anything or even ask a colleague if they've gotten over the flu they had last week. x:-)
But the only information that needs to be announced to staff is that "...___ will be out for awhile due to illness..." that is the outside limit of the information that an ER should be publishing to staff. If the EE wants to share w/ co-workers, that's their own personal business....period.
We do this for EEs. If someone informs me or their supervisor that they're going in for surgery or whatever, we (usually their division head) announce to staff that ______ will be out for a period for health reasons. We send the EE flowers. And the division usually sends a card to the EE signed by all staff members who want to sign. That's it.
To answer your question--I don't think an authorization will help or hurt because I don't really think there is a HIPAA issue unless the messages will contained specific PHI. I think that the message system is a bad idea because I think the fall out will be that you and your boss will be reminded about just how private some people want to be. I'd stay away from the practice.
Let us know what happens.